Tuesday, December 16, 2008

#9 The Office

A detail that would be included in this script would be the struggle Meredith gave during the entirety of the scene. Another detail that would be included is the title of the rehabilitation center, Sunrise Rehab. Michael's car would also be included in the script. It would also say that Meredith locked herself in the car and Michael was forced to unlock the car. In the script, it would also include that Michael was aggressive towards Meredith and had to pulled her out of the car and into the building. The script would also include Michael's voice over dialogue. It would also include the lines he said when he was in his office. The script would also describe when the security guard and receptionist followed Michael and Meredith out of the building.

A detail that would be added once filming began would be the music Michael had blasting in his car while pulling into the parking lot. Another added element would be Michael and Meredith screaming at each other. They probably didn't have set lines, and were just told to make lines up as they went along. Another detail they added would be Meredith running away trying to escape. Also, when Michael tripped over the garbage can. Another detail they would have added would be Michael dragging Meredith by her arms into the building. Another detail that would be added once filming began would be when Michael was tired and out of breath from dragging Meredith. And at the end of the scene when Michael is using hand gestures in his office, that would have been added once they began filming.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

#8 Holidays

Fireworks blasting,
Our flag waves on all corners,
For red, white and blue.

Turkey crowds table,
Bread passed by Lazy Susan,
Long naps after feast.

Dressing up to scare,
Trick or Treaters out for sweets,
Witches, ghosts, goblins.