Audience #1- Republicans
This is a person who looks like a man but contains all of the female reproductive organs. He is only a man by law, not by creation. It is unethical for a woman to get a sex change, and then years later decide to reproduce and carry a child in a mans body. It is destructive to the child and to the world we are living in. This child will have to overcome unneccesary obstacles due to her being brought up in the spotlight. There are concerns about how the child could be negatively afffected by her unusual creation and the unsupportive people in the world who find offense to this and are discriminating against her and her family. It is somewhat wrong that a transgender male will go through all the publicity and harressment from this pregnancy when there are so many adoptable children in the world who need homes. This pregnancy is just the beginning of corrupt things to come in our society.
Audience #2- My Peers
I don't really know what to think about a pregnant "man." I know he isn't really techniquely a man, he just looks like one, but its still pretty crazy to see a person who looks like a man with a baby bump. It is most definantly something I did not expect to see in my lifetime. Sometimes I look at this picture and it really offends me and grosses me out, but other times I feel no opinion and I don't really care what he/she does. I am fine with letting this person be who he/she wants to be. It would be a good lesson for people to be more open-minded to these new situations as they start to occur more in everyday life. This person doesn't directly affect me and my life, but it is just shocking and somewhat awkward to view this picture.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
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This is truely disturbing. When I first saw this on Oprah I was in shock and i even choked on my water. I was like something here is not right. I think I thought the same exact things you thought. I thought this would be destructive for the child as well as puzzling. I don't know what I would do if my dad told me he gave birth to me. lol
Writing: I liked how background information was given about the topic. You included facts and some of your opinions on the situation. O think it's always good to do that so the reader can relate. However I do not like how negative the writting is. I think talking about how the child would be harrassed was not neccessarly true because it could bring fame or just have a postive outcome.
I like how you named the picture and the name is relavent to the picture. I like how you described the picture in the paragraph. And I also think your the only person who wrote to Harry Potter. lol! However some things that could have been improved on were the last couple of line in the first paragraph. I think that the kids can see what the creature is! I think maybe you could have added some things to keep it more interesting especially for the little children. lol
I liked the two audiences you chose because the way you described the picture to republicans was practically the opposite of how you described it to your peers. It was fun to read beacause they were different from each other. I also liked the word choice you used in each of them beacuse it really appealed to the audience. For example, you said most definately in the one to your peers and lots of people at Wayzata say that. One thing that could be worked on in your descriptions is spelling and double check its and it's. You could also add more detail where you are saying sometimes the picture grosses you out and sometimes you don't care. I think you could add WHY you have different opinions at different times.
Although I don't agree with your thoughts on it, I'm glad that you're getting the image out there. Sorry, I know that wasn't your intent...
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